Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Motivation (in case you need some...)

I ran across this link that someone posted online today.  It is the FDA's list of food recalls. The FDA has posted an appalling 11 recalls in the past week. Some of them are for bacteria that has infected the food and others are for undeclared ingredients. Regardless - 11 in one week seems like a system out of control.
As if 11 food recalls in one week weren't discomforting and unsettling enough, there was another alarming statement on the FDA website as well, and for the record, the emphasis added is mine, not theirs.
And I quote: "
  • FDA works with industry and our state partners to publish press releases and other public notices about recalls that may potentially present a significant or serious risk to the consumer or user of the product.  Not all recalls have press releases or are posted on this page.
That last sentence means there's a definite possibility that 11 is only the reported recalls while others may not have been deemed important or dangerous enough to merit letting the consumer know about them.

I read about a woman who took a year to focus on local food and by the end of the year nothing in her kitchen had a bar code. I would imagine that reading things like this along the way, would keep up the motivation to continue the challenge to eat a local diet.

Wherever you find your motivation, be it from fear of a recall or  from eating fresh, local ingredients so tasty you can't fathom going back to industrial food, I hope you are persuaded to give local a chance.

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